When you sustain a workplace injury, the immediate aftermath is more than just physical pain. Financial strain often follows, especially if you’re unable to work. Temporary Total Disability (TTD) benefits in Minnesota exist to help mitigate this financial burden, helping bridge any gaps in wages that you may have sustained. Different Types of Disability Benefits…
Understanding your rights after experiencing a workplace injury is essential, especially when it comes to seeking medical attention. Timely and appropriate care is crucial for your recovery, and knowing which doctor you can see plays a pivotal role in this process. Do I Have the Right to Choose My Own Doctor When you’ve been injured…
Workers’ compensation retaliation is an unlawful practice where employers punish employees who have exercised their right to file a workers’ compensation claim following a workplace injury. This punishment can come in many forms, from unfair dismissal and demotion to less apparent practices such as workplace ostracism or negative alterations in job duties. If you are…