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Posted By KSK Law | June 9 2024 | Workers' Comp

Are Part-Time Workers Eligible for Workers’ Comp?

In Minnesota, workers’ compensation is a crucial safety net for employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. While many people assume that these benefits are only available to full-time employees, the truth is that part-time workers are also eligible for workers’ comp coverage. If you’re a part-time employee who has been injured on the job,…

Posted By KSK Law | June 2 2024 | Long-Term Disability

Does Computer Vision Syndrome Qualify for Workers’ Compensation?

In Minnesota, countless workers spend hours upon hours staring at computer screens as part of their daily job duties. While this technology has revolutionized the modern workplace, it has also given rise to a new set of health concerns, particularly those related to eye strain and vision problems. One condition known as Computer Vision Syndrome…

Posted By KSK Law | May 22 2024 | Work Injury

Delayed Injury Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore After a Work Accident

When a work accident occurs, the initial shock and adrenaline can mask early symptoms, making you think that you walked away unscathed. However, some injuries only reveal themselves after days or even weeks. Delayed injury symptoms can significantly impact your health and complicate workers’ compensation claims. If you notice any of the following symptoms after…

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