When you are unable to work, you can experience significant financial hardship. An unexpected disability or illness can cause you to miss weeks, months, or even years of wages, and in many cases, you can no longer earn a living on your own. In these situations, you may wonder whether you have options for compensation….
In Minnesota, people who suffer on-the-job injuries can apply for workers’ compensation and secure benefits to pay for medical care, wage replacement, and more. If you are applying for workers’ compensation, it is important to know how much you are entitled to receive. Minnesota has strict requirements regarding the amount of disability benefits a worker…
Truckers are vulnerable to serious on-the-job injuries. Not only are truck drivers at risk of serious traffic accidents and injuries due to heavy equipment, but they can also experience a wide range of occupational illnesses and diseases. If you are an injured trucker in Minneapolis, you may be entitled to benefits under your employer’s workers’…