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The Most Common Electrician Injuries

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Posted By 1p21.admin | September 6 2024 | Workers' Comp

Electricians work tirelessly to keep our homes, businesses, and communities powered and functioning, but their work comes with inherent risks. When an electrician is injured on the job, the consequences can be devastating, both physically and financially. In such cases, it’s crucial to consult a Minneapolis workers’ compensation lawyer to ensure you receive the benefits and legal support you deserve. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common injuries electricians face and what to do if you find yourself in this challenging situation.

Injuries Caused by Electrical Shock

One of the most significant and obvious dangers that electricians face is the risk of electrical shock. Contact with live wires, faulty equipment, or improper grounding can lead to serious injuries or even fatalities. 

Electrical shock can cause burns, cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, and neurological damage. In many cases, these injuries can be fatal. Even non-fatal shocks can result in long-term health issues, such as chronic pain, muscle weakness, and memory problems. 

Burn Injuries

Electricians are also susceptible to burn injuries. These can occur when an electrician comes into direct contact with an electrical current or when an electrical explosion or discharge causes intense heat and light. These burns can be severe, requiring extensive medical treatment and potentially leading to permanent scarring or disfigurement. 

Fall Accidents

Electricians often work at heights, whether on ladders, scaffolding, or rooftops. Falls from these elevations can result in serious injuries, including broken bones, spinal cord damage, or traumatic brain injuries. Proper fall protection can help reduce the risk of fall accidents, but these incidents can happen at any time.

Overexertion Injuries

The physical demands of electrical work can take a toll on the body over time. Electricians often find themselves working in awkward positions, lifting heavy equipment, or performing repetitive tasks. These factors can lead to overexertion injuries, such as sprains, strains, and back problems. 

Were You Injured on the Job in Minnesota?

If you are an electrician who has been injured on the job in Minnesota, you may be facing a difficult and stressful situation. These injuries can be severe and can prevent you from working for days, weeks, or even permanently. With medical bills and a recovery process to consider, the future can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, you have options for compensation available to you.

Minnesota’s workers’ compensation system is designed to provide financial support and medical care to employees who have been injured or become ill due to their jobs. By filing a claim, you can recover benefits to help pay for medical care, lost wages, and even long-term disability. As long as you are an employee of the company and were injured on the job, you likely qualify for benefits.

However, these claims can be more complex than they initially appear, especially for claims that involve very severe or complex injuries common among electricians. In these situations, a Minnesota workplace injury lawyer can help you understand your rights, gather the necessary evidence to support your claim, and fight for the full benefits you deserve.

An attorney will stand by your side so that you can pursue your workers’ compensation claim with confidence. After seeking medical care, contact a Minnesota workers’ compensation attorney to discuss your case and begin planning your journey to recovery. Contact us at Kemmitt, Sanford and Kramer to obtain your compensation. 

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