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Are Part-Time Workers Eligible for Workers’ Comp?

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Posted By KSK Law | June 9 2024 | Workers' Comp

In Minnesota, workers’ compensation is a crucial safety net for employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. While many people assume that these benefits are only available to full-time employees, the truth is that part-time workers are also eligible for workers’ comp coverage. If you’re a part-time employee who has been injured on the job, it’s essential to understand your rights and the steps you need to take to secure the benefits you deserve.

How Are Employees Defined in Minnesota?

Under Minnesota law, an employee is generally defined as an individual who performs services for another, for hire. This definition encompasses a range of workers, including minors, part-time employees, and even those who are not U.S. citizens. Employers are required to provide workers’ compensation coverage regardless of the number of employees they have, meaning that even a business with a single part-time worker must typically carry insurance.

Are There Exceptions to Minnesota’s Workers’ Comp Laws?

Although most businesses are generally mandated to carry workers’ compensation insurance, there are a few limited exceptions to this rule. For example, coverage is not required for workers in private homes who earn less than $1,000 in a three-month period, certain farming businesses, and in some cases involving family members. Additionally, business owners, including members of LLCs, certain corporate officers, and sole proprietors, are not required to hold workers’ compensation insurance, although they may choose to purchase coverage voluntarily.

Can You File a Lawsuit Against an Employer for a Workplace Injury?

When you accept workers’ compensation benefits, you generally relinquish the right to sue your employer for your work-related injury or illness. This trade-off is a central feature of the workers’ comp system, which aims to provide employees with benefits while shielding employers from costly lawsuits.

However, there are some situations where litigation may still be an option, such as when a third party’s negligence caused your injury or if your employer failed to carry workers’ compensation insurance despite being required to do so by law. A Minnesota workers’ comp lawyer can evaluate your situation and determine the best course of action for your case.

Should You Hire an Attorney for Your Workers’ Comp Claim?

While it’s possible to navigate the workers’ compensation system on your own, hiring an attorney can improve your chances of securing the full benefits you are entitled to. Workers’ comp claims can be complex, and employers and insurance companies may attempt to deny or minimize your benefits.

An attorney can help you gather the necessary evidence, meet important deadlines, and advocate for your rights throughout the process. Moreover, if your claim is denied or if you encounter other challenges, a workers’ comp lawyer can represent you in appeals and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Remember, whether you work full-time or part-time, you’re entitled to a safe workplace and the support you need when accidents happen. If you are a part-time worker who has been injured on the job in Minnesota, don’t hesitate to explore your options for seeking workers’ compensation benefits. Contact an attorney as soon as possible to discuss your case and take your first steps toward recovery.

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