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How to Calculate PPD Benefits in Minnesota

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Posted By KSK Law | March 11 2024 | Disability Benefits, Workers' Comp

If you are injured on the job in Minnesota, you are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. This form of compensation is designed to help you recover from the injury, paying for immediate medical expenses as well as lost wages in the form of temporary disability benefits.

In the event that the injury results in a permanent loss of function, you may be eligible for permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits. This financial assistance is designed to support workers as they adjust to their new circumstances, ensuring they receive compensation proportionate to the severity of their impairments.

What Is Permanent Partial Disability?

PPD benefits are awarded when a person suffers from a lasting disability that partially limits their ability to work or perform daily activities. However, unlike permanent total disability (PTD), the injury does not completely inhibit their capability to be employed. This classification acknowledges that while you may not return to your pre-injury state, you can still engage in meaningful employment and activities within certain limitations.

Common types of injuries that may fall under PPD may include:

  • Loss of limb or amputation
  • Hearing loss
  • Vision impairment
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Back or spine injuries
  • Joint injuries
  • Nerve damage

How Is PPD Calculated in Minnesota?

In Minnesota, the calculation of PPD benefits begins once a claimant reaches maximum medical improvement (MMI), indicating that their condition is unlikely to improve significantly. At this stage, a medical professional assigns an impairment rating, expressed as a percentage. This percentage reflects the severity of the disability in relation to the body as a whole.

This rating then directly influences the PPD benefits, with specific dollar amounts assigned per percentage point as outlined in the state’s 2023 compensation schedule. For instance, a 10% total body impairment could equate to benefits of around $12,180. This is concluded by multiplying .10 by the allotted $121,800 to receive $12,180. If you have a 35% rating, this would result in approximately $52,552.50. This is concluded by multiplying .35 by $150,150 to receive $52,552.50.

This schedule is subject to change, so it is important to consult with an attorney who stays up to date with Minnesota workers’ compensation laws. Your lawyer can assess your situation and help you estimate your potential award based on the current guidelines.

An Attorney Can Help Calculate Your Full Benefits

Workers’ comp benefits can help you adjust to a new way of living following an unexpected accident and avoid damaging financial hardship. However, calculating PPD benefits can be a complex process, and ensuring that you receive full and fair compensation can be daunting. This is where the expertise of an attorney becomes invaluable.

A Minneapolis workers’ comp attorney in Minnesota can guide you through the process, from accurately interpreting medical evaluations and impairment ratings to advocating on your behalf during benefit determinations. Moreover, an attorney can assist in identifying and calculating additional benefits you may be entitled to. This may include considerations for future medical expenses, potential modifications to living arrangements or vehicles, and other necessary adjustments to accommodate your disability.

An attorney can help you navigate the legal and bureaucratic challenges more effectively, all while you focus on healing and recovery. After your accident, schedule a free legal consultation to learn how a lawyer can help you secure the compensation that you deserve.

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