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What Injuries Are NOT Covered by Workers’ Comp?

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Posted By KSK Law | March 31 2023 | Workers' Comp

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that provides benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses. In the state of Minnesota, workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, which means that employees are entitled to benefits regardless of who caused the injury or illness. However, not every injury is covered by this insurance policy.

When pursuing a claim for workers’ compensation, it is important to know which injuries and illnesses qualify for benefits, and which do not. In these situations, consulting with a workers’ comp attorney in Minneapolis can help you better understand your legal options and plan your next steps.

Non-Work-Related Injuries

Workers’ compensation only covers injuries that arise out of and in the course of employment. This means that injuries that occur outside of work or while an employee is commuting to and from work are not covered. For example, if an employee suffers an injury while playing sports on the weekend, that injury would not be covered by workers’ compensation. 

Self-Inflicted Injuries

Injuries that are intentionally self-inflicted are not covered by workers’ compensation. This includes injuries that are the result of suicide attempts or intentional acts of self-harm, even if they occur on the job. However, injuries that are the result of an employee’s mental illness or emotional distress may be covered, but only if those conditions arose from work-related stressors.

Injuries That Occur During Illegal Activity

Workers’ compensation benefits are not available for injuries sustained by employees while engaging in illegal activity. This means that if an employee is injured while committing a crime or engaging in any other form of illegal activity on the job, he or she will not be eligible to receive workers’ comp benefits. If an employee chooses to engage in illegal activity while on the job, he or she assumes the risk of injury and is therefore not entitled to compensation.

Injuries That Result from Horseplay or Reckless Behavior

If an employee is injured while engaging in horseplay or other reckless actions, their injuries may not be covered by workers’ compensation. This includes injuries that are the result of practical jokes, physical altercations, rough-housing, and similar behavior.

Injuries That Result from Intoxication

If an employee is injured while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, their injuries may not be covered by workers’ compensation. This includes injuries that occur while an employee is on the job and under the influence. There may be some exceptions; for example, if an employee takes prescription medication as directed by a doctor and experiences an adverse reaction that results in injury, he or she could still apply for benefits. However, the workers’ compensation provider may cite the intoxication as a reason to deny the claim.

Contact a Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Navigating the workers’ compensation system can be difficult, especially while recovering from a serious illness or injury. In these situations, you need an attorney on your side who can guide you through the process and fight for the benefits that you deserve. As soon as possible following your injury, seek medical care and report the incident to your employer. Then, reach out to a Minnesota workers’ comp lawyer to plan your next steps.

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