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Minnesota Unum Disability Denial Lawyer

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The entire purpose of purchasing an insurance policy is to protect you in the event that you need access to the benefits that you purchased. Sadly, since the insurance industry is for profit, anytime they pay out on a claim, they lose money.

With this in mind, if you purchased disability benefits through Unum but your claim for benefits was denied, you may be unsure of what steps to take next. An experienced Unum disability denial lawyer at Kemmitt, Sanford & Kramer can help you throughout the appeals process so you can be awarded the disability benefits that you need to get through these tough times. Call our office at (877) 630-7338 to schedule your free consultation today.

How Kemmitt, Sanford & Kramer Could Help You

When you have received a Unum disability denial in Minnesota, it is important that you have an experienced disability attorney advocating for your rights. Here is why Kemmitt, Sanford & Kramer is the right firm for you:

  • We take a personalized approach to every case.
  • Our firm always offers no-cost, risk-free claim assessments.
  • We work on contingency so you do not have to worry about paying anything unless we win you the benefits you deserve.
  • Our attorneys are available to make home or hospital visits as you need.
  • Our firm has successfully recovered $10,000,000+ in unpaid disability and workers’ comp benefits.

Reasons Unum May Deny Your Claim

Unfortunately the vast majority of insurance companies only care about one thing: their profits. Every time someone who is disabled files a claim with an insurance company like Unum, there is a team working to figure out how they can deny that person the benefits that they deserve. For many Unum cases, reasons for disability denials include:

  • Failure to provide sufficient medical documentation
  • Failure to utilize in-house medical experts
  • Mistakes on your disability application
  • Having a pre-existing condition
  • Your policy excluding coverage for your specific medical condition

Although the law requires insurance companies to provide you with the reasoning behind their denial, Unum disability denials in particular can be extremely complex and misleading. Some have even been known to contain completely incorrect information. It is important to get an experienced legal advocate by your side who is not afraid to go up against Unum for you.

Appealing a Unum Denial Letter

One of the most common ways to resolve a Unum denial letter is to provide them with the additional information or supporting records that they may be requesting. You may need to provide additional medical records, physician statements, letters from your family and friends, and any other evidence that can help support your need for disability benefits.

Once Unum has received your appeal, they will have no more than forty-five days to respond, but as much as ninety if they request an extension. Generally, most Unum disability denials will be resolved here without having to go to court. But your attorney will be prepared to bring your case to federal court if it means holding Unum accountable for paying you the benefits that are rightfully yours.

Get Help From a Unum Disability Denial Lawyer

The last thing you need when applying for Unum disability benefits is to receive a denial. Fortunately, Unum disability denials are not the end of the road for your case. You have the right to fight back and appeal the insurance company’s decision.

Improve your chances of getting your Unum disability denial overturned when you contact an experienced disability attorney at Kemmitt, Sanford & Kramer. To get started on your case, give our office a call at (877) 630-7338. Or, fill out our convenient contact form and we will reach out to you to learn more about your Unum disability denial.

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